We want your feedback!
Please take a moment to review your experience with us. Your feedback not only helps us, it helps other potential customers.
How Can We Do Better?
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. If we fell short, please tell us so that we can contact you directly.
PV Rentals, Leasing & Sales began its vehicle rental operation in 1983.
The first of several locations was in Houston, TX. Today, we continue to expand across the Houston area and beyond with new locations and a fleet. Our fleet now consists of more than forty-five different vehicle types encompassing a wide range of trucks, vans, and passenger vehicles. We are a Houston based company, but our vehicles travel throughout the country. Our customers range from individuals and small business to Fortune 100 Companies. Our commercial clients include contractors, industrial companies, oil and gas refineries , government agencies , service companies, schools, churches, caterers, florists, hotels, and hospitals.
We sincerely thank all those customers who have helped PV Rentals, Leasing & Sales be successful and we look forward to serving you in the future.